RMX-80 User's Guide, 9S00522, which describes how to operate the Intel Real-Time Mulitasking Executive (RMX-SO).

RMX-80 Installation Guide, 9803087-01, which describes installation and operation of the Intel Real-Time Multitasking Executive.

The following manuals may be required if you intend to call subroutines written in other Intel-supported languages:

8080/8085 Assembly Language Programming Manual, 9800301, which describes the instructions and directives of the 8080/8085 assembler.

8080/8085 Macro Assembler Operator's Manual, 9800292, which describes how to assemble (using ISIS-II) a program written in S080/S085 assembly language.

PL/M-80 Programming Manual, 9S00268, which describes the instructions, conventions, and usage of PL/M-SO, and how to create PL/M-80 programs.

ISIS-II PL/M-80 Compiler Operator's Manual, 9800300, which describes how to use the ISIS-II based PL/M compiler to generate executable machine code.

FORTRAN-80 Programming Manual, 9800481, which describes the instructions, conventions, and usage of FORTRAN-80, and how to create FORTRAN-SO programs.

ISIS-II FOR TRAN-80 Compiler Operator's Manual, 9800480, which describes how to use the ISIS-II based FORTRAN-SO compiler to generate executable machine code.

The following manuals are required to implement the RMX-80 sample configuration of BASIC-80 described in Appendix F:

iSBC 80/30 Single Board Computer Hardware Reference Manual, 9S00611, which describes how to configure the iSBC 80/30 under RMX-80.

iSBC 016 Random Access Memory Board Hardware Reference Manual, 9800279, which describes how to map memory to fit the sample RMX-80 configuration.

iSBC 204 Flexible Diskette Controller Hardware Reference Manual, 9S00568, which describes how to configure the iSBC 204 for the sample RMX-80 configuration.

iSBC 80/10 Hardware Reference Manual, 9S00230.

iSBCBO/10A Hardware Reference Manual, 9S00230.

iSBC 80/20 Hardware Reference Manual, 9S00317.

iSBC 80/20-4 Hardware Reference Manual, 9S00317.


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