5-2 Intel® PXA255 Processor Developer’s Manual
DMA Controller
5.1.1 DMAC Channels
The DMAC has 16 channels, each controlled by four 32-bit registers. Each channel can be
configured to service any internal peripheral or one of the external peripherals for flow-through
transfers. Each channel is serviced in increments of the peripheral device’s burst size and is
delivered in the granularity appropriate to th a t de vice’s port width. The burst size and port width
for each device is programmed in the channel registers and is based on the dev ice’s FIFO depth and
bandwidth needs. Due to performance issues, it is highly recommended that the user set the burst
size equal to the FIFO DMA interrupt trigger level, also called the FIFO threshol d level. When
multiple channels are actively executing, the DMAC services each channel with a burst of data.
After the data burst is sent, the DMAC may perform a context switch to another active channel.
The DMAC performs context switches based on a channel’s activity, whether its target device is
currently requesting service, and where that channel lies in the priority scheme.
Channel information must be maintained on a per-channel basis and is contained in the DMAC
registers see in Table 5- 13. The DMAC supports two methods of loading the DMAC register, No-
Descriptor and Descriptor Fetch Modes. The fetch modes are discussed in further detail in
Section 5.1.4.
Software must ensure cache coherency when it configures the DMA channels. The DMAC does
not check the cache so target and source addresses must be configured as non-cacheable in the
Memory Management Unit.
Each demand for data that a peripheral generates results in a read or write to memory data. A
peripheral must not request a DMA transfer unless it is prepared to read or write the full data block
(8, 16, or 32 bytes) and it is equipped to handle reads and writes less than a full data block. Reads
and writes less than a full data block can occur at the end of a DMA transfer.
5.1.2 Signal Descriptions
The DREQ[1:0], PREQ[37:0] and DMA_IRQ signals are controlled by the DMAC as indicated in
Table 5 -1. DREQ[1:0] and PREQ[37:0] Signals

The external companion chip asserts the positive edge triggered DREQ[1:0] signals when a DMA
transfer request is needed. The DREQ[1:0] signal must remain asserted for four MEMCLKs to
allow the DMA to recognize the 0 to 1 tran sitio n. W hen th e D REQ[1:0 ] s ignals are deass erted, t hey
Table 5-1. DMAC Signal List
Signal Signal Type
In/Out To/From Definition
DREQ[1:0] Input Pins External companion chip request lines. DMA detects the
positive edge of this signal as a request.
DMA_IRQ Output Interrupt
Controller Active high signal indicating an interrupt.
PREQ[37:0] Input On-chip
Internal peripheral DMA request lines. On chip peripherals
send requests using the PREQ signals.
The DMAC does not sample the PREQ signals until it
completely finishes the data transfer from peripheral to the