Intel® PXA255 Processor Developer’s Manual 9-5
I2C Bus Interface Unit
Figure 9-2 shows the relationship between the SDA and SCL lines for START and STOP
conditions. START Condition
The START condition (ICR[START]=1, ICR[STOP]=0) initiates a master transaction or repeated
START . Before it sets the START ICR bit, so ftware must load the target slave address and the R/
nW bit in the IDBR ( see Section9.9.2). The START and the IDBR contents are transmitted on the
I2C bus after the ICR[TB] bit is set. The I2C bus stays in master-transmit mode for write requests
and enters master-receive mode for read requests. For a rep eated start, a change in read or write, or
a change in the target slave address, the IDBR contains the updated target slave address and the R/
nW bit. A repeated start enables a master to make multiple transfers to different slaves without
surrendering the bus.
The START condition is not cleared by the I2C unit. If the I2C loses arbitration while initiating a
START, it may re- attem pt the START when the bus is freed. See Section9.4.4 for details on how
the I2C unit functions in those circumstances. No START or STOP Condition
The no START or STOP condition (ICR[START]=0, ICR[STOP]=0) is used in m aster-transmit
mode while the I2C unit is transmitting multiple data bytes (see Figure9-2). Software writes the
data byte and the I2C unit sets the ISR[ITE] bit and clears the ICR[TB] bit. The software then
writes a new byte to the IDBR and sets the ICR[TB] bit, which initiates the new byte transmission.
This process continues until the software sets the ICR[START] or ICR[STOP] bit. The
ICR[START] and ICR[STOP] bits are not automatically cleared by the I2C unit after the
transmission of a START, STOP, or repeated START.
After each byte transfer, including the ICR[ACKNAK] bit, the I2C unit holds the SCL li ne low to
insert wait states until the ICR[TB] bit is set. This action notifies the I2C unit to release the SCL
line and allow the next information transfer to proceed. STOP Condition
The STOP condition (ICR[START]=X, ICR[STOP]=1) terminates a data transfer. In master-
transmit mode, the ICR[STOP] bit and the ICR[TB] bit must be set to initiate the last byte transfer
(see Figure9-2). In master-receive mode, the I2C unit must set the ICR[ACKNAK] bit, the
ICR[STOP] bit, and the ICR[TB] bit to initiate the last transfer . Software must clear the
ICR[STOP] condition after it is transmitted.
Figure 9-2. Start and Stop Conditions
Start Condition
Stop Condition