Intel® PXA255 Processor Developer’s Manual 15-21
MultiMediaCard Controller
15.4.10 Stream Write
In a stream write command, the software must stop the clock and set the registers as described in
Section15.4.4. These registers must be set before the clock is started:
Set MMC_NOB register to ffffh.
Set MMC_BLKLEN register to the number of bytes per block.
Update MMC_CMDAT register as:
Set the MMC_CMDAT[DATA_EN] bit.
Clear the MMC_CMDAT[BUSY] bit.
Clear the MMC_CMDAT[INIT] bit.
Turn the clock on.
After it turns the clock on, the software must perform these steps:
1. Wait for the respons e as described in Section 15.4.4.
2. Write data to the MMC_TXFIFO FIFO and continue until all of the data is written to the FI FO.
Note: When data less than 32 bytes is written to the FIFO, the MMC_PRTBUF[BUF_PART_FUL L] bit
must be set.
3. Set MMC_I_MAS K to 0x 77 an d wa i t for MMC _ I_ R E G[ STO P_ C M D] interrupt.
4. Set the command registers for a stop transaction command (CMD1 2).
5. Wait for a response to the stop transaction command as described in Section15.4.4.
6. Set MMC_I_MASK to 0x1e.
7. Wait for MMC_I_REG[DATA_TRAN_DONE] interrupt.
8. Set MMC_I_MASK to 0x1d.
9. Wait for MMC_I_REG[PRG_DONE] interrupt. This interrupt indicates that the card has
finished programming. Software may wait for MMC_I_REG[PRG_DONE] interrupt or start
another command sequence on a different card.
10. Read the MMC_STAT register to verify the status of the transaction (i.e. CRC error status).
To address a different card, the software must send a select command to that card by sending a
basic no data command and response transaction. To address the same card, the software mu st wait
for MMC_I_REG[PRG_DONE] interrupt. This ensures that the card is not in the busy state.
15.4.11 Stream Read
In a stream read command, the software must stop the clock and set the registers as described in
Section15.4.4. These registers must be set before the clock is turned on:
Set MMC_NOB register to ffffh.