Intel® PXA255 Processor Developer’s Manual 2-15

System Architecture
GPIO[30] ICOCZ AC97 Audio Port data out. (output) Output from the
PXA255 processor to Codecs 0 and 1.
I2S data out. (output) Output line for the I2S Controller. Hi-Z - Note [1] Note [3]
AC97 Audio Port sync signal. (output) Frame sync
signal for the AC97 Controller.
I2S sync. (output) Frame sync signal for the I2S
Hi-Z - Note [1] Note [3]
nACRESET OC AC97 Audio Port reset signal. (output) Driven Low Driven Low
I2C Controller Pins
SCL ICOCZ I2C clock. (bidirectional) Hi-Z Hi-Z
SDA ICOCZ I2C data. (bidirectional). Hi-Z Hi-Z
PWM Pins
GPIO[17:16] ICOCZ Pulse Width Modulation channels 0 and 1. (outputs) Hi-Z - Note [1] Note [3]
DMA Pins
GPIO[19:20] ICOCZ DMA Request. (input) Notifies the DMA Controller that
an external device requires a DMA transaction. DREQ[1]
is GPIO[19]. DREQ[0] is GPIO[20]. Hi-Z - Note [1] Note [3]
GPIO[1:0] ICOCZ General Purpose I/O. Wakeup sources on both rising
and falling edges on nRESET. Hi-Z - Note [1] Note [3]
GPIO[14:2] ICOCZ General Purpose I/O. More wakeup sources for sleep
mode. Hi-Z - Note [1] Note [3]
GPIO[22:21] ICOCZ General Purpose I/O. Additional General Purpose I/O
pins. Hi-Z - Note [1] Note [3]
Crystal and Clock Pins
PXTAL IA 3.6864 Mhz crystal input. No ex ternal caps are required. Note [2] Note [2]
PEXTAL OA 3.6864 Mhz crystal output. No external caps are
required. Note [2] Note [2]
TXTAL IA 32 Khz crystal input. No external caps are required. Note [2] Note [2]
TEXTAL OA 32 Khz crystal output. No external caps are required. Note [2] Note [2]
GPIO[70] ICOCZ LCD display data. (output) Transfers pixel information
from the LCD Controller to the external LCD panel.
RTC clock. (output) Real time clock 1 Hz tick. Hi-Z - Note [1] Note [3]
LCD display data. (output) Transfers the pixel
information from the LCD Controller to the external LCD
3.6864 MHz clock. (output) Output from 3.6864 MHz
Hi-Z - Note [1] Note [3]
GPIO[72] ICOCZ LCD display data. (output) Transfers pixel information
from the LCD Controller to the external LCD panel.
32 kHz clock. (output) Output from the 32 kHz oscillator. Hi-Z - Note [1] Note [3]
48 MHz clock. (output) Peripheral clock output derived
from the PLL.
NOTE: This clock is only generated when the USB unit
clock enable is set.
Hi-Z - Note [1] Note [3]
Table 2-6. Pin & Signal Descriptions for the PXA255 P ro c essor (Sheet 7 of 9)
Pin Name Type Signal Descriptions Reset State Sleep State