5-26 Intel® PXA255 Processor Developer’s Manual
DMA Controller
5.4 Examples
This section contains examples that show how to:
Set up and start a channel
Initialize a descriptor list for a channel that is running
Add a descriptor to the end of a descriptor list for a channel that is running
Initialize a channel that is going to be used by a direct DMA master
Example 1. How to set up and start a channel:
The following example shows how to set up a channel to transfer LENGTH words from the address
DSADR to the I/O address DTADR. The example also shows how to start the transfer. The
example sets the stop bit in the DDADR, so the DMA channel stops after it completely transfers
LENGTH bytes of data.
// build real descriptor
desc[0].ddadr = STOP
desc[0].dsadr = DSADR
desc[0].dtadr = DTADR
desc[0].dcmd = DCMD
// start the channel
DMANEXT[CHAN] = &desc[0]
DRUN = 1
Example 2. How to initialize a descriptor list for a channel that is running:
// Allocate a new descriptor, and make it an end
// descriptor whose “ddadr” field points back at itself
newDesc = New Desc()
newDesc->ddadr = newDesc | STOP
// make it a zero length descriptor
newDesc->dcmd = ZERO
// Start the channel
DRUN = 1
The channel starts, loads the descriptor in its registers, and stops because the transfer length is 0
and the STOP bit is set. No data is transferred in this example. The channel can be restarted by
writing to its DDADR and writing a 1 to the DCSR[RUN] bit.
Example 3. How to add a descriptor to the end o f a descriptor list for a channel that is
The example in this section assumes that the Descriptor Fetch Mode is active.
DMA descriptor lists are used as queues of full buffers for network transmitters and as queues of
empty buffers for network receivers. Because the buffers in a queue are often small (in particular,
as small as an ATM cell), on-the-fly DMA descriptor lists manipulation must be efficient.
1. Write a 0 to DCSR[RUN].
2. Wait until the channel stops. The channel stop state is reflected in the DCSR:STOPSTATE bit.