9-4 Intel® PXA255 Processor Developer’s Manual
I2C Bus Interface Unit
When the I2C unit receives an address that matches the 7-bit address found in the I2C Slave
Address Register (ISAR) or the general call address (see Section9.4.7), the interface either
remains in slave-receive mode or transitions to slave-transmit mode. The Read/Write bit (R/nW)
determines which mode the interface enters. The R/nW bit is the least significant bit of the byte
containing the slave address. If the R/nW bit is low, the master that in itia ted the tran sactio n int ends
write data and the I2C unit remains in slave-receive mode. If the R/nW is high, the master that
initiated the transaction intends to read data and the I2C unit transitions to slave-tra nsmit mode.
Section 9.4.6 further defines slave operation.
When the I2C unit initiates a read or write on the I2C bus, it transitions fro m the default slave-
receive mode to the master-transmit mode. If the transaction is a write, the I2C unit remains in
master-transmit mode after the address transfer is completed. If the transaction is a read, the I2C
unit transmits the start address, then transitions to master-r eceive mode. Section9.4.5 further
defines master operation.
9.3.3 Start and Stop Bus States
The I2C bus specification defines a transaction START, used at the beginning of a transfer, and a
transaction STOP bus state, used at the end of a transfer. A START condition occurs if a high to
low transition takes place on the SDA line when SCL is high. A STOP condition occurs if a low to
high transition takes place on the SDA line when SCL is high.
The I2C unit uses the ICR[START] and ICR[STOP] bits to:
Initiate an additional byte transfer
Initiate a START condition on the I2C bus
Enable Data Chaining (repeated START)
Initiate a STOP condition on the I2C bus
Table 9 -4 defines the START and STOP bits in the ICR.
Table 9-4. START and STOP Bit Definitions
bit STAR
T bit Condition Notes
0 0 No START or STOP I2C unit sends a no START or STOP condition. Used when
multiple data bytes need to be transferred.
START Condition and
Repeated START
I2C unit sends a START condition and transmit the 8-bit IDBR’s
contents. The IDBR must contain the 7-bit address and the R/nW
bit before a START is initiated.
For a Repeated Start, the IDBR contains the target slave address
and the R/nW bit. This allows a master to make multiple transfers
to different slaves without giving up the bus.
The interface stays in master-transmit mode for writes and
transitions to master-receive mode for reads.
1 X STOP Condition
In master-transmit mode, the I2C unit transmits the 8-bit IDBR and
sends a STOP condition on the I2C bus.
In master-receive mode, the ICR[ACKNAK] must be changed to a
negative ACK (see Section9.4.3). The I2C unit transmits the NAK
bit, receives the data byte in the IDBR, and sends a STOP
condition on the I2C bus.