12-22 Intel® PXA255 Processor Developer’s Manual
USB Device Controller
address for the 16 x 8 data FIFO that can be used to transmit and receive data. Endpoint 0 also has
a write count register that is used to determine the number of by tes t he USB ho st con troll er has s ent
to Endpoint 0.
12.6.1 UDC Control Register (UDCCR)
UDCCR, shown in Table12-12, contains seven control bits: one to enable the UDC, one to show
activity, and five to show status and as sociated control functions. UDC Enable (UDE)

Enables the UDC. When UDE is set to a 1, the UDC is enabled for USB serial transmission or
reception. When UDE is set to a 0, the UDC is disabled and the UDC+ and UDC- pins are tr ista ted.
This means that the UDC ignores all activity on the USB bus.
If UDE is set to a 0 the entire UDC design is reset. If the reset occurs while the UDC is actively
transmitting or receiving data, it stops immedi atel y an d the rema inin g b its i n the tr ansm it or r eceive
serial shifter are reset. All entries in the transmit and receive FIFO are also reset.
Table 12-12. UDCCR Bit Definiti ons
0x 4060_0000 UDCCR Read/Write and Read-Only
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Bits Name Description
31:8 — reserved
Reset interrupt mask.(read/write)
0 = Reset interrupt enabled.
1 = Reset interrupt disabled.
Reset interrupt request (read/write 1 to clear).
1 = UDC was reset by the host.
Suspend/resume interrupt mask (read/write).
0 = Suspend/resume interrupt enabled.
1 = Suspend/resume interrupt disabled.
Suspend interrupt request (read/write 1 to clear).
1 = UDC received, suspend signalling from the host.
Resume interrupt request (read/write 1 to clear).
1 = UDC received, resume signalling from the host.
Device Resume (read/write 1 to set)
0 = Maintain UDC suspend state
1 = Force UDC out of suspend
UDC active (read-only).
0 = UDC currently receiving a USB reset.
1 = UDC currently not receiving a USB reset.
UDC enable.(read/write)
0 = UDC disable.
1 = UDC enabled.