Intel® PXA255 Processor Developer’s Manual 13-9
AC’97 Controller Unit
A new audio input frame begins when SYNC transitions from low to high. The low to high
transition is synchronous to BITCLK’s rising edge. On BITCLK’s next falling edge, AC’97
samples SYNC’s assertion. This falling edge marks the moment that AC-link’s sides are each
aware that a new audio frame has started. The next time BITCLK rises, the ACUNIT transitions
SDATA_IN to the fi rs t bit pos it ion in slot 0 (CO DEC rea dy bit ). Ea ch new bi t posit ion is pr esent ed
to AC-link on a BITCLK’s risi ng edge and then sampled by ACUNIT on the followi ng BITCLK’s
falling edge. This sequence ensures that data transitions and subsequent sample points are time
aligned for both incoming and outgoing data streams.
The SDATA_IN composite stream is MSB justified (MSB first) and the AC’97 CODEC fills non-
valid bit positions with zeroes. SDATA_IN data is sampled on BITCLK’s falling edge. Slot 0: Tag Phase
In Slot 0, the first bit is a global bit (SDATA_IN slot 0, bit 15) that indicates whether or not the
CODEC is in the CODEC ready state. If the CODEC Ready bit is a 0, the CODEC is n ot ready for
operation. This condition is normal after power is asserted on reset, i.e., while the CODEC voltage
references are settling. When the AC-link CODEC Ready indicator bit is a one, the AC-link and
AC’97 control and status registers are fully operational. The ACUNIT must probe the CODEC
Powerdown Control/Status register to determine which subs ections are ready.
Figure 13-5. AC’97 Input Frame
Time Slot "Valid"
(48 KHz)
Slot 1 Slot 2
0 19 0 19 0 19 0
Slot 3 Slot 12
81.4 nS
12.288 MHz
slot(2) "0""0""0"slot(12)
("1" = time slot contains valid PCM data)
End of previous
Audio Frame
Tag Phase Data Phase
Figure 13-6. Start of an Audio Input Frame



slot(1) slot(2)
End of previous
Audio Frame
AC '97 samples SYNC assertion here
AC '97 Controller samples first SDATA_IN bit of frame here