5-14 Intel® PXA255 Processor Developer’s Manual
DMA Controller
5.2.3 Servicing Companion Chips and External Peripherals
Companion chips and external peripherals can be serviced with flow-through transfers. The
DMAC provides DMA Request to Channel Map Registers (DRCMRx) tha t contain four bits that
assign a channel number for each of the possible DMA requests. The companion-chip requests are
DREQ[1:0]. The DREQ signal can be mapped to one of the 16 available channels. The DREQ
signals are sampled on every peripheral clock (P CLK) and if any of the DREQ signal s are sa mpled
non-zero, a lookup is performed on the corr es pon ding b its in t he DRCMR x. This allo ws requ es ts to
one of the channels to be mapped. If the external peripheral address is in the DSADR, the
DCMDx[FLOWSRC] bit must be set to a 1. If the external per ipher al addr ess is in the DTADR, the
DCMDx[FLOWTRG] bit must be set to a 1. This allows the processor to wait for the request
before it initiates the transfer.
If DCMDx[IRQEN] is set to a 1, a DMA interrupt can be requested at the end of the last cycle
associated with the byte that caused DCMDx[LENGTH] to decrease from a 1 to a 0.
endpoint 1
transmit 0x4060_0100 1 01 32 Target 0x4000_0164
endpoint 2
receive 0x4060_0180 1 01 32 Source 0x4000_0168
endpoint 3
transmit 0x4060_0200 1 01 32 Target 0x4000_016C
endpoint 4
receive 0x4060_0400 1 01 32 Source 0x4000_0170
endpoint 6
transmit 0x4060_0600 1 01 32 Target 0x4000_0178
endpoint 7
receive 0x4060_0680 1 01 32 Source 0x4000_017C
endpoint 8
transmit 0x4060_0700 1 01 32 Target 0x4000_0180
endpoint 9
receive 0x4060_0900 1 01 32 Source 0x4000_0184
endpoint 11
transmit 0x4060_0B00 1 01 32 Target 0x4000_018C
endpoint 12
receive 0x4060_0B80 1 01 32 Source 0x4000_0190
endpoint 13
transmit 0x4060_0C00 1 01 32 Target 0x4000_0194
endpoint 14
receive 0x4060_0E00 1 01 32 Source 0x4000_0198
Table 5-5. DMA Quick Reference for Internal Peripherals (Sheet 2 of 2)
Unit Function FIFO Address Width
Burst Size
Targe t DRCMR