6-44 Intel® PXA255 Processor Developer’s Manual
Memory Controller
The RT fields in the MSCx registers specify the type of memory:
Non-burst ROM or Flash
Variable Latency I/O
Burst-of-four ROM or Flash
Burst-of-eight ROM or Flash
The RBW fields specify the bus width for the memory space selected by nCS[5:0]. For a 16-b it bus
width transactions occur on MD[15:0]. The BOOT_SEL pins and/or SXCNFG register must be
used to configure nCS[3:0] for SMROM or some other type of Synchronous Static Memory.
6.7.2 Asynchronous Static Memory Control Registers (MSCx)
The MSCx, shown in Table 6- 21, are read/write registers and contain control bits for configuring
Static Memory (or Variab le L a te ncy I/O) that correspond to chip-select pairs nC S(1:0), nCS(3:2),
and nCS(5:4), respectively. Timing fields are specified as numbers of memory cloc k cycl es. Each
of the three registers contain two identical CNFG fields One for each chip select in the pair.
When programming a different memory type in an MSC register, ensure that the new value has
been accepted and programmed before issuing a command to that memory. To do this, the MSC
register must be read after it is written and before an access to the memory is attempted. Th is is
especially important when changing from ROM/Flash to an unconstrained writable memory type
(such as SRAM).
If any of the nCS[3:0] banks is conf igu red fo r Sy nchr on ous Static Memory via SXCNFG[SXENx],
the corresponding half-words of MSC0 and/or MSC1 are ignored, except MSCx:RBWx, the data
width. Another exception is non-SDRAM timing Synchron ous Flash , which writ es asyn chronous ly
and requires these programmed values.
Table 6-19. 32-Bit Bus Write Access
Data Size MA[1:0] DQM[3:0]
8-bit 00 1110
8-bit 01 1101
8-bit 10 1011
8-bit 11 0111
16-bit 00 1100
16-bit 10 0011
32-bit 00 0000
Table 6-20. 16-Bit Bus Write Access
Data Size MA[0] DQM[1:0]
8-bits 0 10
8-bits 1 01
16-bits 0 00