9-12 Intel® PXA255 Processor Developer’s Manual
I2C Bus Interface Unit
9.4.5 Master Operations

When software initiates a read or write on the I2C bus, the I2C unit transitions from the default

slave-receive mode to master-transmit mode. The 7-bit slave address and the R/nW bit follow the

start pulse. After the master receives an acknowledge, the I2C unit enters on e of two ma st er mode s:

Master-Transmit — I2C unit writes data
Master-Receive — I2C unit reads data

The CPU writes to the ICR register to initiate a master transaction. Data is read and written from

the I2C unit through the memory -mapped registers. Tab le 9-5 describes the I2C unit’s

responsibilities as a master device.

Table 9-5. Master Transactions (Sheet 1 of 2)

I2C Master
Action Mode of
Operation Definition
Generate clock
output Master-transmit
Master drives the SCL line.
ICR[SCLE] bit must be set.
ICR[IUE] bit must be set.
Write target
slave address
writes to IDBR bits 7-1 before a START condition enabled.
First seven bits sent on bus after START.
See Section9.3.3.
Write R/nW Bit
to IDBR Master-transmit
CPU writes to least significant IDBR bit with target slave address.
If low, master remains a master-transmitter. If high, master
transitions to a master-receiver.
See Section9.4.2.
Signal START
Condition Master-transmit
See “Generate clock output” above.
Performed after target slave address and R/nW bit are in IDBR.
Software sets ICR[START] bit.
Software sets ICR[TB] bit to initiate start condition.
See Section9.3.3.
Initiate first
data byte
CPU writes byte to IDBR
2C unit transmits byte when ICR[TB] bit is set.
2C unit clears ICR[TB] bit and sets ISR[ITE] bit when transfer is
Arbitrate for
I2C Bus Master-transmit
If two or more masters signal a start within the same clock period,
arbitration must occur.
2C unit arbitrates for as long as needed. Arbitration takes place
during slave address and R/nW bit or data transmission and
continues until all but one master loses the bus. No data lost.
If I2C unit loses arbitration, it sets ISR[ALD] bit after byte transfer is
completed and transitions to slave-receive mode.
If I2C unit loses arbitration as it attempts to send target address byte,
I2C unit attempts to resend it when the bus becomes free.
System designer must ensure boundary conditions described in
Section9.4 do not occur.