A d v a n c e d F u n c t i o n s
Assume that you have selected IBM Proprinter emulation. The document is prepared for an HP LaserJet and contains 'start underline' and 'stop underline'
To 'start underline', the IBM Proprinter uses ASCII value string $1B, $2D, $31 and the HP LaserJet uses $1B, $26, $64, $44. 'Stop underline' commands are $1B, $2D, $30 and $1B, $26, $64, $40 respectively.
The following pages show how to program these substitutions, both from a Terminal and the System.
Programming String Substitutions from a Terminal
Start the Configuration from Terminal as described in Section 3.
1.Select the Edit Parameters entry in the Main Menu. Match and Substitute Strings start from parameter #150.
2.Edit the first two string substitution pairs. Use the cursor keys to edit. The Edit Parameters Menu now looks like this:
36 | U s e r ‘ s G u i d e |