A d v a n c e d F u n c t i o n s
Note: The comments (within brackets) should not be included in your document.
IBM PC Support Virtual Printer is one way of sending data transparent to the printer. This method is always active and is not described in this guide.
This section describes the Intermate LX T-04 specific transparency methods.
The Transparency function allows you to send data directly to your printer without any conversion (pass-through). The data could be ASCII printer commands unsupported by the interface (eg underlined text), or even downloaded fonts.
Be careful when using the Transparency function for generating printable characters, selecting fonts or making text positioning. The Intermate LX T-04 supports these functions in normal emulation mode, and your settings may be overridden by the system.
There are two types of Transparency, Single-byte and Multi-byte. The function is accessed in Extended Emulation Mode.
The Single-byte Transparency function is called by a percent sign in your document ('%') and it passes through one subsequent ASCII byte (hexadecimal).
The Multi-byte function is started by two successive percent signs. When the start sequence ('%%') is found, the Intermate LX T-04 assumes hexadecimal data until a terminating percent sign occurs.