A p p e n d i c e s
3.Disconnect the LX
4.Make sure the PC has been powered Off.
5.Attach the download cable to the PC’s LPT1 port. Contact your dealer for further information on the download cable.
6.Connect the LX
7.Make sure the the power cable from the PCB is connected with the 5V power cable assembly mounted in the printer.
8.Attach the power supply to the download cable at the PC, ie supply the cable with power.
9.Power On the PC.
10.Power On the printer.
11.Copy the firmware file
12.Start a DOS session and go to the directory where you placed the firmware file.
13.Download the firmware with the binary switch (/b).
copy K12-xxxx.bin lpt1 /b
14.Monitor the download by watching the LED on the interface. This flashes fast two times a second for approximately 20 - 30 seconds during the download.
15.The download is complete when the LED flashes slowly once every fourth second.
16.Power Off the printer.
17.Power Off the power supply for the download cable.
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