Usability Survey
Please complete the survey below to evaluate this manual. Your participation in the evaluation assists in the development of effective and usable manuals for our customers. The survey is also available online: http://www.invacare.com/TechnicalDocumentSurvey.
1.Please indicate your primary involvement with the product (Choose one):
Product User/Owner | Product Service Technician |
User Assistant | Health Care Provider |
Product Dealer | Other (Please specify): |
2.Please indicate which product manual you are evaluating:
3.Evaluate the content:
| YES | NO |
After reading this document, do you have a better understanding of | ||
how to use the product? |
Do you have a better understanding of any limitations on the use of | ||
this product? |
Is there any irrelevant information? | ||
Is the Table of Contents useful? | ||
Does any information seem inaccurate/misleading? | ||
Do you understand that misuse of the product can cause injury or | ||
damage? |
4. Evaluate the Warnings/Cautions: |
| YES | NO |
Are there any warnings/cautions that you do not understand? | ||
Are there too many warnings/cautions? | ||
Are there warnings/cautions that you feel do not apply to this product? |
5.Evaluate the style:
Is anything hard to locate/follow? | ||
Are any headings missing/confusing? | ||
Are there too many headings? | ||
Should any material be a bulleted list or checklist instead of numbered | ||
steps or a paragraph? |
Is there material that might be clarified by a visual? |
6. Evaluate the illustrations: |
| YES | NO |
Are the illustrations useful? | ||
Do the illustrations need more or less detail? | ||
Is the number/size of illustrations adequate? |
7.Do you have suggestions for other ways of making this document easier to use?
Yes No
Thank you for completing this survey. If you have any questions or we may be of assistance to you, please feel free to contact us. Send your survey to:
Invacare Technical Writing Department Invacare Corporation
One Invacare Way
Elyria, OH 44035
TechnicalWriting@invacare.com, FAX
Part No. 1171914 | 31 | Invacare® Matrx® MX1 |