set ppp profile “junipertest” auth
set interface serial1/0 ip set user “server” type wan
set user “server” password “server”
For information on how to configure the E1 interface, refer to the Concepts &
Examples ScreenOS Reference Guide.
V.92 Modem Interface
The V.92 interface provides an internal analog modem to establish a PPP connection to a service provider. You can configure the serial interface as a primary or backup interface, which is used in case of interface failover.
NOTE: The V.92 interface does not work in Transparent mode.
To configure the V.92 interface, use the WebUI or CLI as follows:
Network > Interfaces > List > Edit (for serial1/0): Enter the following, then click OK:
Zone Name: untrust (select)
ISP: Enter the following, then click OK:
ISP Name: isp_juniper
Primary Number: 1234567
Login Name: juniper
Login Password: juniper
Modem: Enter the following, then click OK:
Modem Name: mod1
Init String: AT&FS7=255S32=6
Active Modem setting
Inactivity Timeout: 20
set interface serial1/0 zone untrust
set interface serial1/0 modem isp isp_juniper account login juniper password juniper
set interface serial1/0 modem isp isp_juniper
set interface serial1/0 modem settings mod1
For information on how to configure the V.92 modem interface, refer to the
Concepts & Examples ScreenOS Reference Guide.
Mini PIM Configuration 47