If you are using an external TNC or MCP, proceed

1 Connect the transceiver to your personal

with the subsequent steps.

11 Following the instructions provided with your TNC

computer (via an external TNC or MCP if desired).

or MCP, enter the calibration mode so that you

• See “COMPUTER” {page 93} and “MCP AND

can generate a mark condition.

TNC” {page 95}.

• The MAIN band LED changes from green (RX)

2 Install an appropriate terminal program onto the

to red (TX).

personal computer.

12 Access Menu No. 50B to select the appropriate AF

• A variety of freeware and shareware programs

input level.

can be obtained in various ways. Consult your

• Select a proper input level, so that the ALC

reference material or other “packeteers”.

meter reflects within the ALC zone.


3Initiate the terminal program and set the following


parameters on the personal computer:


13 Exit the calibration mode.



• The MAIN band LED changes from red (TX) to


• Transfer rate (TNC/MCP <–> Computer):




green (RX).



9600 bps (default setting)








• Data length: 8 bit



14 Access Menu No. 50C to select the appropriate


• Stop bit: 1 bit



AF output level.





• You cannot use the AF control to make this


• Parity: Non-parity









• Flow control: Hardware





• If you have selected sub-band in step 5,





4 Press [A/B] to select VFO A or VFO B.


access Menu No. 50D instead.

5 Access Menu No. 46 and select the main band or


The frequencies (measured in kHz) commonly used


the sub-band (default) as the data band.


for Packet are listed below:


• “TNC” appears on the data band.






U.S.A./ Canada

ARU Region 1 (Europe/Africa)


• If you are using an external TNC or MCP,







access Menu No. 50E to make this selection.


1800 ~ 1830


The default is main band.






3620 ~ 3635

3590 ~ 3600

6 Access Menu No. 47 and select 1200 bps (default)






7080 ~ 7100


or 9600 bps as the transfer rate between TNCs.







• You must select the same transfer rate as the


10140 ~ 10150


target station.








14095 ~ 14099.5

14089 ~ 14099, 14101 ~ 14112


• If you are using an external TNC or MCP,








18105 ~ 18110


access Menu No. 50F to make this selection.







The default is 1200 bps.


21090 ~ 21100

21100 ~ 21120

7 Select an operating frequency.





28120 ~ 28189

28120 ~ 28150, 29200 ~ 29300

8 Press [LSB/ USB/ AUTO] or [FM/ AM/ NAR] to





50600 ~ 50780


select LSB, USB, or FM mode.






144910 ~ 145090

9 Access Menu No. 50A and select ON to activate






440975 ~ 441075

430050 ~ 431025


the DSP packet filter for the main transceiver.


10 Turn the HI/ SHIFT control to select the center





frequency of the packet mode. You can further





select either “NAR” (narrow) or “WID” (wide) for




the receiver filter width by turning the LO/ WIDTH


You can also select the method for inhibiting the built-








in TNC from transmitting. Access Menu No. 48 and









select one of the two methods. The default is “TNC


Center Frequency

Operating Mode











1000 Hz












1700 Hz

Packet (AFSK 1200 bps)


The TNC does not transmit when signals are present





on the TNC (data) band.


2210 Hz

Packet (AFSK 300 bps)























The TNC does not transmit when signals are present







on the main transceiver or sub-receiver.

The packet (9600 bps) operation is not affected by the DSP packet filter settings.

The DSP packet filter works only on the main transceiver.


Page 58
Image 58
Kenwood TS-B2000 Specialized Communications Preparation, DCD Sense, A./ Canada, Press LSB/ USB/ Auto or FM/ AM/ NAR to