Kirby Morgan 37 & 57
7.10 Water Dump Exhaust Body | 7.10.3 Water Dump Valve Body Removal |
The water dump exhaust assembly is mounted onto | 1) The water dump body should never need servicing. |
the bottom of the helmet by three screws that are | If it is to be removed, you must first remove the three |
installed on the inside of the helmet shell. RTV sili- | screws inside the helmet shell. |
cone sealant is used to seal the water dump body to | After this is done, gently twist the valve body off of |
the helmet shell. | |
| the helmet shell. A putty knife may be used to slide |
7.10.1 Water Dump Valve Removal | between the valve body and the shell to break the |
Tools Required: | RTV sealant. |
Flat Blade Screwdriver | 7.10.4 Water Dump Valve Body Remounting |
| |
1) The Quad Valve cover can be removed by unscrew- | 1) To replace the main exhaust body, first be sure to |
ing the two screws. If the cover is badly dented so | clean the helmet and the main exhaust body of the |
that it interferes with the performance of the exhaust | old silicone sealant prior to remounting. |
valve it should be replaced. |
2)The rubber exhaust valve should be replaced at the slightest sign of deterioration or aging of the rubber. Simply grasp the valve and pull to remove.
Place a coating of RTV silicone sealant on the mounting surfaces and around the mounting holes, and mate the body to the helmet and start to tighten the mount screws on the interior of the helmet. Wipe off the excess RTV silicone sealant that is squeezed out. Tighten the screws to 12 inch pounds.
To remove the exhaust body you must remove the three screws inside the helmet shell.
7.10.2 Water Dump Valve Replacement
1)The rubber exhaust valve is installed by inserting the center stem through the exhaust body then pull- ing from the inside of the helmet shell until it snaps into place.
2)When installing the quad exhaust cover be sure to never use longer screws that would protrude into the interior of the exhaust body as this would interfere with the operation of the rubber exhaust valve .
Use silicone sealant in a well ventilated area. Do not breathe the fumes from uncured silicone sealant. These fumes are dangerous and can cause uncon- sciousness. They can
also cause long term damage to body tis- sue. Read and follow all precautions listed on the silicone sealant tube and Material Safety Data Sheet.
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