Mermeladas y jaleas

Jalea de naranjas y piña

Para 3 medias pintas

Esta jalea es un éxito entre los amantes de las frutas tropicales. Si no obtiene suficiente jugo de la piña, intente obtener más introduciendo la pulpa obtenida una segunda vez en la máquina.

1 piña grande pelada, sin corazón, cortada en octavos

2 naranjas de ombligo peladas

2 tazas de azúcar granulada

3 cucharadas de pectina en polvo

Introduzca la piña y las naranjas a través del filtro de pulpa abundante. Mida cuatro tazas del jugo de piña y naranjas en una olla baja y ancha con una capacidad mínima para 5 cuartos de galón (4,7 L).

Bata el azúcar y la pectina en polvo y agrégueles el jugo de piña y naranjas. Coloque la olla a fuego alto y lleve a hervor.

Hierva el dulce revolviendo con regularidad durante 15 a 20 minutos, hasta que quede espeso. Cuando el dulce alcance el punto de equilibrio, formará una capa espesa a los lados de la olla. Otra forma de verificar el punto de equilibrio consiste en usar un termómetro para caramelo o de lectura instantánea. Cuando la jalea cocida llega a 221 °F (105 °C), está lista.

Una vez terminado el dulce, colóquelo con un embudo en frascos de vidrio limpios aptos para mezclas calientes. Limpie los bordes de los frascos y colóqueles tapas y aros nuevos. Coloque los frascos en una olla con agua recién hervida, asegurándose de que el agua los cubra por completo. Cuando el agua vuelva a hervir, coloque un temporizador para que suene en 10 minutos.

Cuando haya transcurrido ese tiempo, quite los frascos de la olla y póngalos a enfriar sobre un repasador plegado. Los frascos sellados mantienen el producto en los estantes hasta un año.



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KitchenAid KSN1JA manual Mermeladas y jaleas, Jalea de naranjas y piña, Para 3 medias pintas

KSN1JA specifications

The KitchenAid KSN1JA is an innovative and versatile kitchen appliance designed to elevate your culinary experience. This product, part of the renowned KitchenAid brand, offers several features and technologies that make food preparation and cooking easier and more enjoyable for home chefs.

One of the standout features of the KSN1JA is its advanced design, specifically crafted to complement the KitchenAid stand mixer. This attachment is made from high-quality stainless steel, ensuring exceptional durability and performance. It seamlessly integrates with the stand mixer, making it a must-have for anyone looking to expand their kitchen capabilities without cluttering their countertop.

The KSN1JA includes a range of attachments that provide multiple functions in one device. Its primary purpose is to slice, shred, and julienne vegetables, fruits, and cheeses with precision and ease. This versatility allows for creative cooking—from salads and stir-fries to soups and garnishes—while drastically reducing prep time. Users can choose from various thickness settings, ensuring that every ingredient is cut to their preferred size.

Another notable feature of the KSN1JA is its simple installation and user-friendly operation. The attachment snaps onto the stand mixer with minimal effort, allowing users to start cooking right away. The components are easy to detach and wash, making maintenance as straightforward as the preparation process itself. Additionally, the product is dishwasher-safe, providing further convenience for busy cooks.

The technology behind the KSN1JA focuses on efficiency and performance. With its powerful processing capabilities, the attachment can handle large quantities of food effortlessly. This is particularly beneficial for those who frequently entertain or meal prep in bulk. The robust motor of the KitchenAid stand mixer ensures optimal functionality and consistent results, helping users achieve their desired textures without compromise.

In conclusion, the KitchenAid KSN1JA is an exceptional kitchen attachment that enhances the stand mixer’s versatility. With its robust design, functionality, and ease of use, it’s perfect for diverse culinary tasks. Whether you’re an experienced chef or just starting out, the KSN1JA empowers you to explore new recipes and cooking techniques, ultimately transforming your kitchen experience.