Setting up the PCL driver (Windows)
5.9Specifying the Configure tab settings
Selecting a model name and an option
The functions of this machine can be used from the printer driver if the model name, the installed options, and the user authentication and account track functions are specified.
If the installed options and the user authentication and account track functions are not specified on the Configure tab, the option functions cannot be used from the printer driver. When installing options or using the authentication function, be sure to make the proper settings.
1 For Windows 2000/NT 4.0, click the [Start] button, point to “Settings”, and then click “Printers”.
For Windows XP/Server 2003, click the [Start] button, and then click “Printers and Faxes”.
For Windows Vista, click the [Start] button, and then click “Control pan- el”, “Hardware and Sound”, and “Printers”.
–If “Printers and Faxes” does not appear in the Start menu in Win- dows XP/Server 2003, open the Control Panel from the Start menu, select “Printers and Other Hardware”, and then select “Printers and Faxes”.
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