Using PageScope Web Connection | 7 |
No. | Name | Description |
1 | Logo | Click on this to jump to the manufacturer’s web site. |
2 | Logo | Click to display the new screen containing the version informa- |
| tion. If the PageScope Web Connection logo is clicked in the |
| screen that appeared, the Web site for PageScope is displayed. |
3 | Status display | Displays the current status of the machine. |
4 | Administrator pass- | Enter the administrator password to log in to the administrator |
| word | mode. |
5 | Tabs | These are used to select the various categories of settings. |
6 | Menu | This is used to select various setting items or display information. |
7 | Information/set- | Displays the details for the item selected from the menu. |
| tings display |
Using PageScope Web Connection Chapter 7