Krell Technical Bulletin Showcase DVD withHDMI/October 2004
HDMI Operation for the
Showcase DVD
Power on the Showcase DVD and turn on your HDCP compatible display device. In most cases, you see one of the resolution lights illuminate, indicating the default resolution of your monitor. This resolution is detected automatically by the Showcase DVD circuitry. The resolution you prefer may or may not be the same as the detected resolution. Press the HDMI button to cycle through the available resolutions: 480p, 720p, or 1080i. For your convenience, the Showcase DVD remembers the last resolution to which
it is set.
When you power on, and no HDMI resolution light illuminates, try pressing the HDMI button anyway. Some video displays do not provide intelligible information to the
Please contact your authorized dealer, distributor, or Krell should you have any questions or concerns, after completing the routine described above.
Krell Industries, Inc., 45 Connair Road,Orange, CT
P/N 307550
v 04.0