Reading on test box: FOCUS DN

Service Manual M695



Doc Code 636 718



3.5Inspect zoom range.

Travel to zoom end positions 7 and 36 using max. SPEED. Zoom should not touch mechanical stop. Relevant magnification is seen centred in window.

4.1Turn FOCUS SPEED potentiometer from min. to max. and from max. to min.

Reading on test box: FOCUS SPEED

min./max. 1.25...1.7V/5V ±5%


The focus speed is continuously adjustable.


4.2Use foot-/handswitch to FOCUS UP.

Reading on test box: FOCUS UP

Low/High <0.2V/>4.75V

4.3Use foot-/handswitch to FOCUS DN.

(Fault location in FOCUS control: page 4-9)

4.4Mechanical focus movement

Focus moves uniformly in both directions.

4.5Activate yellow knob on motorized focusing: FOCUS reset

Focus automatically returns to basic position.

(Use FOCUS UP and DN to travel away from basic position, and repeat test)