sys admin>>NETWORK B |
Enter accepts present value |
|> | |> | |> | |> | |> | |> | |
Y> |
Save changes and update card? Yes or No: No>y
Card installed, settings updated
sys admin>>
When the NETWORK command is used with a card slot letter as a command qualifier, it will attempt to change the parameters only for that card slot. In all other aspects, the command behaves the same as if the /ALL qualifier was used.
If a bootp server is present on the same network as the ConsoleServer 3200 network card and bootp is enabled on the network card, then the network card will use the IP address and subnet mask assigned by the bootp server rather than those assigned by the sys admin.
Once a network card has been assigned an IP address either by a bootp server or by the sys admin, then the ConsoleServer may be accessed by telnet. Connecting to the default telnet port reaches the user login; connecting to port 5000 reaches the sys admin login.
6.6Modem Command
The MODEM command allows manipulation of the modem card initialization string. When the command is entered, the sys admin is prompted for the new initialization string. Typing a new initialization string and pressing <ENTER> will create a new initialization string for the modem, while just pressing <ENTER> will accept the current value. After pressing <ENTER>, the sys admin is asked to confirm the changes to send the string to the modem. Typing YES and <ENTER> will send the initialization string immediately to the modem card, while typing NO and <ENTER> discards the entered initialization string and keeps the old string. If the modem card is not currently installed, the settings are not sent, but are kept in control card memory. The control card will send those settings in memory when a modem card is installed.