application code version, which is listed first) is greater than 1.70, then Kermit may be used to transfer the binary update files; otherwise, Xmodem must be used.
B.3 Getting Started
Before initiating the flash update process, the system administrator must check that there are no active users on the ConsoleServer 3200 by using the CONNECTIONS command. If there are any users logged in, they should be notified to log out immediately or forcibly logged out by using the FORCELOGOUT command.
B.3.1 Communications Settings
The communications settings are slightly different for the serial flash update than for the normal operation mode. The baud rate, date bits, parity, and stop bits all remain the same between modes, but the flow control changes. In the flash update mode, the flow control changes to hardware flow control (RTS/CTS). Once the system returns to normal operating mode, software flow control (XON/XOFF) is used.
B.4 Update over Direct Serial Connection
The terminal or computer that will be used for the flash update must be connected to the control card port “A”. All users must be logged out. The system administrator must log in before beginning the update. Commands that the sys admin should enter and text returned by the ConsoleServer 3200 are in Lucida Console font. All commands should be followed by <ENTER>.
sys admin>LCIUPDATE
Start system update, are you sure? (write out YES) Yes or No: No>YES
Once there are no users logged in, the system administrator must type LCIUPDATE to initiate the flash update process. The ConsoleServer 3200 will ask the system administrator if he is sure by displaying the prompt START SYSTEM UPDATE, ARE YOU SURE? (PLEASE TYPE OUT YES) YES OR NO: NO>. If the system administrator wants to proceed with the update, he should type out YES completely and press <ENTER>. Otherwise, NO or just N and <ENTER> will exit the process.
ConsoleServer 3200 Control Boot V1.26 (Jun 15 1999)
Copyright 1999 by Lightwave Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Slot (letter) Processor (number) Ex. C1 (exit to restart system):B1 B1 is ConsoleServer3200 Terminal Boot V1.62 (Sep 30 1999)
Start XMODEM transfer of update...
After typing YES, the ConsoleServer 3200 will return the prompt SLOT (LETTER) PROCESSOR (NUMBER) EX. C1 (EXIT TO RESTART SYSTEM). The system administrator should enter the letter ID of the card and number of the processor that is