11.6 Reminder Messages Tab

The PERS-4200 Console has a real-time clock calendar (RTCC) function that can be set to the correct time and date, and then accessed to schedule events and actions by the Console, including a scheduled reminder message feature. Five pre-recorded reminder messages are provided for this function and are included as part of each installed language library. There are nine programmable message time slots to use to set the reminder message types and schedule times.


All reminder messages (including alarm and system test reminder) are enabled only in Home Mode and Night Mode. They are disabled when in Away Mode.

The PERS provider can schedule events for these reminder messages as a one-time reminder, or as a recurring daily, weekly, or monthly event. When the programmed event time is reached, the scheduled reminder message is announced and if enabled, repeats once every three minutes unless silenced by pressing the CANCEL button. When the CANCEL button is pressed to silence the announcement, the Console will sound a reminder chime.

A 15 or 30-minute timeout interval can be programmed as a setting for all reminder messages. If the reminder is not acknowledged prior to expiration of the timeout interval, a missed reminder event report can be sent to the Central Station (if reporting of missed reminder messages is enabled).

If multiple reminder messages are scheduled at the same time or in the same timeout interval, they will all be announced sequentially and at the same three minute intervals, based on the fi rst message annunciated. Pressing the CANCEL button cancels all of the reminder messages within the same timeout interval.

Reminder Settings

The reminder settings globally affect all nine programmable reminder message time slots.

Report Missed Reminder

The Console will provide voice prompts during the 15 or 30 minutes prior to message reminder window expiring (set by programming).

Upon expiration of message reminder window the following will occur if the REPORT MISSED REMINDER check box is checked.

1.The Console will activate and send an reminder message timeout report to the Central Station. If the missed reminder is a system test reminder, an automatic test report will be sent with status of the system. 2-way audio will not be initiated.

2.Upon receipt and processing of the alarm transmission, a 2-way audio session will begin (if enabled).

To enable missed reminder message reporting, check the REPORT MISSED REMINDER check box.

Audio Replay During Timeout

The factory default will replay the reminder message every three minutes until the message is acknowledged or times out.

To suppress replaying the reminder messages, un-check the AUDIO REPLAY DURING TIMEOUT check box.

RA4200 Reminder Messages Tab


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Linear PERS-4200 Series Reminder Messages Tab, Reminder Settings, Report Missed Reminder, Audio Replay During Timeout