WebView Switches
Aggregate Policer. Configures the class to use a configured aggregate policer selected from the
Single. Configures the class to use manually configured information rates and exceed actions.
Aggregate Policer.
Aggregate Policer Settings. The Aggregate Policer button opens the New Aggregate Policer screen.
New Aggregate Policer screen
Aggregate Policer Name. Enter a name in this field.
Ingress Committed Information Rate (CIR). Defines the CIR in bits per second. This field is only relevant when the Police value is Single.
Ingress Committed Burst Size (CBS). Defines the CBS in bytes per second. This field is only relevant when the Police value is Single.
Exceed Action. Action assigned to incoming packets exceeding the CIR. This field is only relevant when the Police value is Single. Possible values are:
•Drop. Drops packets exceeding the defined CIR value.
•Remark DSCP. Remarks packet’s DSCP values exceeding the defined CIR value.
•None. Forwards packets exceeding the defined CIR value.
Spanning Tree
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) provides tree topography for any arrangement of bridges. STP also provides one path between end stations on a network, eliminating loops.
Loops occur when alternate routes exist between hosts. Loops in an extended network can cause bridges to forward traffic indefinitely, resulting in increased traffic and reducing network efficiency.
The device supports the following Spanning Tree versions:
• Classic STP. Provides a single path between end stations, avoiding and eliminating loops.
Chapter 5: Using the
Figure 5-45: Advanced Mode - New Aggregate Policer
Spanning Tree