Customer Support Information
Security of Your System:
Preventing Toll Fraud
As a customer of new telephone equipment, you should be aware that there is an increasing problem of telephone toll fraud. Telephone toll fraud can occur in many forms, despite the numerous efforts of telephone companies and telephone equipment manufacturers to control it. Some individuals use electronic devices to prevent or falsify records of these calls. Others charge calls to someone else’s number by illegally using lost or stolen calling cards, billing innocent parties, clipping on to someone else’s line, or breaking into someone else’s telephone equipment physically or electronically. In certain instances, unauthorized individuals make connections to the telephone network through the use of remote access features.
Common carriers are required by law to collect their tariffed charges. While these charges are fraudulent charges made by persons with criminal intent, applicable tariffs state that the customer of record is responsible for payment of all
To minimize the risk of unauthorized access to your DEFINITY® Extender 1100 System:
■When possible, restrict the
■When possible, block
■Frequently monitor system call detail reports for quicker detection of any unauthorized or abnormal calling patterns.
■Limit Outcalling to persons on a
x Issue 1 June 1998