If you must contact Lucent Technologies on behalf of the remote user, be sure to obtain the serial number found on the Remote Module.
LED Sequences
The LEDs on the Switch Module help to indicate problems that occur.
During the power-up sequence, the DEFINITY Extender 1100 System performs a self-test, indicated by a sequence of 1 yellow, and 8 red flashes, followed by 1 green flash, fast blinking red flashes for about 6 seconds, 3 green flashes and 1 red flash. That series of flashes is followed by 3 sets of 8 yellow flashes.
Table 4-1and Table 4-2illustrate a detailed description of the LED sequences.
If your Switch Module power up LED sequence repeats itself, the last sequence displayed represents the test failure that occurred. See Table 4-1for failure description. Power down the unit, and retry. If error persists, contact the Lucent Technologies Helpline.