SMX-M8xx Series USB2.0 Camera User Guide
Captured file can be saved as BMP or TIFF image file.
Capturing with BMP format saves any 8 bit or 10 bit image as 8 bit BMP image. Capturing with TIFF format saves 8 bit image as 8 bit TIFF image and 10 bit image as 10 bit TIFF image.
Note: Note please, that some image editors can not open the captured 10bit TIFF image since they can not read 10bit images (for example, Microsoft Paint will not open a 10bit TIFF image)
Use the dropdown menu near the TIFF radio button to specify saving TIFF image with or without compression.
● NONE - to save image with TIFF format without compression
● LZW - to save image with TIFF format with LZW
Note: Capture functions, buttons and menu items are enabled only if Video is started (F5)