1. SNTP Client: enable or disable SNTP function to get the time f rom the SNTP server.
2. Daylight Saving Time: enable or disable daylight saving time function. W hen
daylight saving time is enabling, you need to configure the daylight saving time
3. UTC Timezone: set the switch location time zone. The following table lists the
different location time zone for your reference.
Local Time Zone Conversion from UTC Time at 12:00 UTC
November Time Zone - 1 hour 11am
Oscar Time Zone -2 hours 10 am
ADT - Atlantic Daylight -3 hours 9 am
AST - Atlantic Standard
EDT - Eastern Daylight -4 hours 8 am
EST - Eastern Standard
CDT - Central Daylight -5 hours 7 am
CST - Central Standard
MDT - Mountain Daylight -6 hours 6 am
MST - Mountain
PDT - Pacific Daylight
-7 hours 5 am
PST - Pacific Standard
ADT - Alaskan Daylight -8 hours 4 am
ALA - Alaskan Standard -9 hours 3 am
HAW - Hawaiian
Standard -10 hours 2 am
Nome, Alaska -11 hours 1 am