datatransfer.scream.server.port : The network port number which Scream! should use to connect to the DCM. You can use any port which neither the PC nor the DCM is using for other purposes. See your Scream! configuration for the current port setting; the default is 1567.
datatransfer.scream.sampleratelimit : The fastest sample rate allowed for transmission over this connection. Using this option, you can prevent
Scream! Client
datatransfer.scream.client : The DCM also has the ability to act as a Scream! client, i.e. to retrieve data from another
datatransfer.scream.client.port : The network port number which the DCM should use to connect to the remote Scream! server. You can use any port which neither device is using for other purposes. The default is 1567.
datatransfer.scream.client.server : The IP address or hostname of the Scream! server from which you wish the DCM to gather data.
AutoDRM is an automated system for handling requests for seismic data over e- mail, and for fulfilling those requests either by returning
The DCM's AutoDRM capabilities are compatible with the GSE2.0 and 2.1 message standards developed for
datatransfer.autodrm : Select on to enable the DCM to handle AutoDRM requests.
datatransfer.autodrm.maxpoolsize : The maximum pool size to use whilst processing AutoDRM requests, in megabytes.
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