Operator's guide
Incoming mail setup
This page enables you to set up the DCM to retrieve
net.mail.in.password : The password needed to log in to the mail server.
net.mail.in.port : The number of the port to connect to on the mail server. This generally depends on the protocol used to retrieve mail:
For pop3 mail, this port will normally be 110, or 995 for secure POP3 over TLS.
For imap mail, this port will normally be 143, or 993 for secure IMAP over TLS.
net.mail.in.server : The hostname or IP address of the mail server.
net.mail.in.tls : Select yes to encrypt the incoming mail channel with TLS, no to leave communications unencrypted.
net.mail.in.type : Select
net.mail.in.username : The username needed to log in to the mail server.
December 2005 | 49 |