Operator's guide

flashdcm -rroot-file-bboot-file-sbaud-rate-proot- password-dport

where root-file and boot-file are the images you wish to

transmit, baud-rate is the baud rate of the DCM's console port, root-password is the password of the user root on the DCM (not any other administrative account), and port is the port number of the

serial interface (on the second computer or DCM) which you will be using.

If the device has several serial interfaces, the command serialmap may help you determine which port number corresponds to which device:

[root @ dcm] # serialmap

Library version: libserialmap Version 1.0.5 with


4 serial ports


0, Key

7000, name ttyS0, device /dev/ttyS0, baud


1, Key

7001, name ttyS1, device /dev/ttyS1, baud



2, Key

7002, name ttyS2, device /dev/ttyS2, baud



3, Key

7003, name ttyS3, device /dev/ttyS3, baud





flashdcm also has an -eoption, which wipes clean the Flash memory used for the filesystem before providing the new firmware. Some surface DCM units require you to do this when installing a root image. If you use the -eoption to install a root image, you must also provide a new boot image, since the boot image in memory will be erased.

6.Power up the DCM. The second computer or DCM will detect messages coming from the bootloader of the DCM, and automatically interrupt the boot process to provide the new firmware.

7.Wait for the new firmware to be uploaded. The DCM will reboot automatically at the end of transmission, and the flashdcm process will terminate. This may take several minutes.

At this point, you will have a minimal installation of the DCM software, and can proceed to commissioning the system.

December 2005


Page 93
Image 93
Minicom Advanced Systems CMG-DCM manual Libgconfigdb