Operator's guide
Trigger criteria
The triggering algorithm applies a simple
You can select which tap is tested for the trigger from the Trigger source drop- down menu. The tap does not have to be selected for data output for you to be able to use it here.
The next option, Trigger filter, allows you to apply a bandpass filter at this stage (see below.)
Any or all of the channels available at the tap you have selected may be used to determine a trigger. The next part of the window lists the channels, each with Enable, STA, LTA and Ratio settings. The Enable boxes determine which channels are considered for triggering. If any of the checked channels passes the trigger condition, the trigger will activate, and will not detrigger until all of the checked channels have fallen below their respective Ratio values.
The STA and LTA columns allow you to set the intervals over which the two averages are calculated, in seconds. Typically, the time interval for the short term average should be about as long as the signals you want to trigger on, while the long term average should be taken over a much longer interval. Both the STA and LTA values are recalculated continually, even during a trigger.
The Ratio column determines by what factor the STA and LTA must differ for the trigger to be passed. Finding the ratio most suited to your needs is best done by experiment. Too high a value will result in events being missed, while too
December 2005 | 71 |