Operator's guide
ignore the remaining settings.
datatransfer.cd1_1.creator : An
datatransfer.cd1_1.destination : An
datatransfer.cd1_1.port : The network port number to which the DCM will send CD1.1 data.
datatransfer.cd1_1.protocol : The network protocol the DCM should use to send CD1.1
datatransfer.cd1_1.receiver : The IP address or hostname of the remote CD1.1 device.
CD1.1 subframe configuration
CD1.1 data is organised into subframes, which have some flexibility in their format. A configuration file, /etc/cd11sf.cfg, is provided allowing you to specify the exact format to be used in outgoing CD1.1 subframes. Clicking
CD1.1 subframe configuration brings up a page in the work area which enables you to edit the file and its attributes directly.
The Web interface does not check that the content of the files will be understood. You should ensure that the file is valid before committing any changes.
Each line in /etc/cd11sf.cfg describes a single CD1.1 stream in the format
where the fields, separated by colons, are:
location : the CD1.1 location code for the array;
site : the CD1.1 site code for the instrument;
channel : the CD1.1 channel name;
prefix : a prefix for the location to store the files in the file tree of the DCM.
December 2005 | 59 |