Operator's guide
Whilst the DCM is copying the contents of the Flash memory to disk, you will be shown a log of its progress. The USB interface allows data transfer at a speed of around 100 Kb/s, so large files may take several minutes to complete. If an error occurs at any point, it will be marked in red.
5.4 Disk files
This link allows you to browse through any files currently on the DCM's primary hard disk.
If no suitable storage medium can be found, the module will report the error Failed to open USB disk.
5.5 Camera
If you have attached a compatible camera to the external USB port of the DCM, clicking on this link will show the current view from the installation site. A new image is retrieved every 12 seconds, or whenever you reload the page. Gü ralp Systems can supply a compatible camera with the DCM, although any
5.6 Recent Log Entries
This link displays the most recent 300 entries written to the DCM's internal log file.
Each entry includes, in order:
•the date and time of the log message,
December 2005 | 77 |