disk.recordas.seed : Set this to yes to have the DCM record full SEED volumes on the hard disk. This option will have no effect until you create a datatransfer.seed.config file. See “SEED” in Section 4.5 for information on these options.
disk.recordas.sac : Set this to yes to have the DCM record files in sac format.
The next set of options allows you to select the data sources for archival.
disk.recordfrom.serial.n : Each of these options refers to a serial port on the DCM by its number. Select yes to have the DCM record data coming into this port.
disk.recordfrom.scream : Select yes to have the DCM record data it receives from remote Scream! servers (either computers running Scream!, or further DCMs and AMs.) If you want to use this option, you should also configure the datatransfer.scream.client options (see below.)
disk.recordfrom.http : Select yes to have the DCM record data it receives using the HTTP protocol. If you want to use this option, you should also configure the datatransfer.http.client options (see below.)
disk.recordfrom.cd1_0 : Select yes to have the DCM record data it receives using the CD1.0 protocol. If you want to use this option, you should also configure the datatransfer.cd1_0 options (see below.)
disk.recordfrom.cd1_1 : Select yes to have the DCM record data it receives using the CD1.1 protocol. If you want to use this option, you should also configure the datatransfer.cd1_1 options (see below.)
disk.power : To save power, the
disk.usagemode : This setting varies the way the DCM uses its hard disk storage once it has been filled up.
42 | Issue A |