3.Either use a computer connected to the NETWORK port to browse to the Serial port configuration section of the DCM Web site, or log in to the Linux console over the serial link.
4.Set the serial.2.service option to gcf_out. If using the Linux console, this can be done using the command gcfgdbset (see Section 6.2, “Command line tools”.)
Note: Beyond this point you will not be able to use the serial link to access the Web configuration interface of the DCM. If you do want to be able to do this, you should configure the serial link for PPP (see “PPP” in Section 4.4) and run a Scream! server on the DCM. You will need to assign the DCM its own IP address on your local network.
5.If you connected to the DCM by PPP, you will lose the network connection at this point, because the DCM is now using the serial link directly.
6.Open Scream!'s main window, and look under Local in the tree on the left for the serial port which is communicating with the DCM. If it is not shown, you may have to 'unfold' the tree to reveal it. The digitizer(s) attached to the DCM will appear underneath the entry for the serial port, and you can configure them from within Scream!. See Scream!'s documentation for more details.
7.If no digitizer is shown, it may be that your software is not configured correctly for the serial link. As supplied, the DCM uses a baud rate of 115200 on its CONSOLE port, with 8 data bits, no parity bits and 1 stop bit, and no flow control.
For more information on how to use Scream! to display and manage data streams, please see Scream!'s own documentation or the extensive
Accessing the DCM command line through gcf_out
The gcf_out service provides a
The SAM commands you can use are described in the SAM Operator's Manual.
You can also log in to the DCM's Linux operaing system through the terminal. Enter the command
and press ENTER. You will be presented with the login: prompt.
If you are not using Scream!, you can interrupt the GCF data stream and drop
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