AC adapter An accessory device that allows you to power and/or charge your phone from a wall outlet. See page 16.
accessory connector A socket on the bottom of the phone where you can attach accessories such as an AC adapter or cigarette lighter adapter. To learn more, see page 16.
alkaline A battery technology used in personal cellular telephones.
analog The traditional method of cellular transmission. In addition to analog capability, your phone is equipped to handle digital transmission. See also CDMA.
antenna The device on your phone that sends and receives cellular signals. For tips on antenna use and efficiency, see page 6.
Auto Answer When you activate this feature, your phone automatically answers after two rings. See page 94.
Auto Hyphen A feature that automatically inserts hyphens into displayed phone numbers for easier visibility. See page 96.
Automatic Redial When your cellular network cannot handle your call, this feature enables your phone to automatically redial with one button push. See page 31.
Call Back number A phone number in an alphanumeric message, provided by the sender. See page 54.
Caller ID A network/subscription dependent service that allows you to view information on incoming calls before answering. See page 50.
CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) CDMA takes digitized voice and encodes it in a unique scheme that is sent out over the air. CDMA digital reduces the probability of dropped calls. Your phone is equipped to handle CDMA digital voice transmission.
cellular carrier One of multiple competing companies in a given geographic area that owns and operates a cellular system.
Cellular Service Provider A company affiliated with a cellular carrier that provides cellu- lar service to its customers.