Getting to Display Options...
1.Enter Menu Press Ä then press a.
2. | Enter | Press q or Z to scroll to | Phone Options |
| Phone Options | and press a to select. |
3. | Enter | Press q or Z to scroll to | Display Options |
| Display Options | and press a to enter. |
Display Options P
Change Banner P
Auto HyphenOff P
Display Options Submenu
This submenu has a few features that determine how informa- tion appears on your phone’s display.
Change Banner
Want to give your phone even more personality? Then create your own message banner for the phone to display when it’s idle. Your banner can be up to 12 characters long.
4.Enter Press A to enter Change Banner. You will Feature see either the current banner or if no banner is
programmed: Alpha or Press ¤.
5. | Enter | Enter your message using the alphanumeric |
| Message | keypad. (See page 39 for information on enter- |
| ing alphanumeric messages.) Press A when |
| your message is complete. |
6. | Exit | Press ¼ to exit the menu, or you may |
| Menu | scroll to other features. |
Auto Hyphen
Just turn Auto Hyphen ON to have all phone numbers automati- cally hyphenated on the display. This allows you to easily distin- guish between area codes, call prefixes, and other numbers.
4. Find | Press q or Z to scroll to Auto Hyphen. |
Feature |