To set a reminder for when you have not responded to an incoming call, message, or other event, press > Settings > Ring Styles > [Style] Detail > Reminders.
Menu View
To show the main menu as graphic icons or as a > Settings > Personalize > Main Menu > View.
Reorder Main Menu
To reorder your phone’s main menu, press > Settings > Personalize > Main Menu > Reorder.
Show/Hide Menu Icons
To show or hide menu feature icons in the home screen, press > Settings > Personalize > Home Screen > Home Keys > Icons.
Master Reset
To reset all options except unlock code, security code, and lifetime timer, press > Settings > Initial Setup > Master Reset.
Master Clear
Caution: Master clear erases all information you have entered (including phonebook and calendar entries) and content you have downloaded (including pictures and sounds) stored in your phone’s memory. After you erase the information, you cannot recover it.
> Settings > Initial Setup > Master Clear.
44 – Customize