Call Answering by Voice Command
When receiving an incoming call, the phone will ask you if you want to answer the call ("Call from… Accept the call?").
Press Yes to accept the call, or No to reject it.
Your phone incorporates a
What is GPS?
GPS stands for Global Positioning System – a
In optimal conditions, a GPS receiver can calculate its location to an accuracy of a few meters. The accuracy mainly depends on the number of GPS satellites to which the GPS receiver is in a line of sight, but may be subject to other factors too.
Navigation Applications & Services
Using the Global Positioning System maintained by the U.S. Department of Defense is free of charge and no subscription is needed.
However, downloading a navigation application and/or using its navigation system may require a subscription and/or be subject to separate fees. To check the availability and pricing of navigation applications and services, please contact your network operator or service provider. Your network operator or service provider will also give you a link from which to download the navigation application and usage instructions.
Main Attractions – 13