JMP 9600 Media Player • Programming Guide 61
Command/response table for MSVPP commands (continued)
Command | MSVPP Command | Response | Additional description |
| (host to unit) | (unit to host) |
| |
Media management (continued) |
| |
Load the next clip to | LoadNextClip•X#•X!/X@} | OK] | Load a clip to play automatically after the clip that is |
play |
| currently playing in channel X# ends. If X! and X@ are |
not values returned by the GetMediaTree command and GetMediaClips command, or if the media player is not correctly configured for the clip that you select, the media player responds with ERROR.
NOTES: • If you send multiple LoadNextClip commands, each overwrites the one before it; only the most recently loaded clip is available to be played.
• If the folder name (X!) and the clip name (X@) contain any spaces (•), the entire set of parameters must be enclosed in quotes (“X!/X@“), for example:
Create a playlist | CreatePlaylist•X$} | OK] |
Example: | CreatePlaylist•Canyon documentary.espl.xml} | Create a Canyon documentary playlist. |
NOTE: Clips within a playlist must have the same resolution and frame rate.
Add a clip to a playlist | AddPlaylistItem•X$•X!/X@•X%} | OK] | Add the clip file X@, in the folder X!, to playlist X$ at |
| position X%. The clip previously at position X%, and all |
| clips after it sequentially, slip by one position. If you |
| specify a position (X%) that is larger than the number |
| of clips in the playlist, the clip goes at the end. If the |
| playlist does not already exist, the media player creates |
| it automatically as it executes the command. |
Example: | AddPlaylistItem•River activities.espl.xml•720p_422_60_kayak/kayak_720p_5994.cpl.xml•2} | ||
| OK] | Add a clip on kayaking to the playlist on river activities. |
| The kayaking clip plays second. Create the playlist |
“River activities.espl.xml” if it does not exist.
NOTE: After you add a clip to a playlist, you need to load or reload the playlist before you can access or play the clip.
Move a clip in a playlist | MovePlaylistItem•X$•X%current•X%new} | OK] | Move the clip file in position X%current to position X%new. |
| Clips in between the two positions move up to fill the |
| empty space. |
Example: | MovePlaylistItem•River activities.espl.xml•2•4} | Move the clip in the second position in the river | |
| OK] | activities the playlist to the fourth position. |
KEY: X# = Output | 1 = channel 1 | 2 = channel 2 | 1,2 = both channels |
X! = Folder name | Name of a DCP folder (such as “720p_422_60_donkey“) | ||
X@ = Clip name | Name of a clip file (such as “rafting_720p_5994.cpl.xml“) | ||
X$ = Playlist name | Name of a playlist file (such as “Canyon documentary.espl.xml”) | ||
X% = Playlist position | Sequential position of a clip in a playlist |
| |