Command/response table for MSVPP commands (continued)
Command MSVPP Command
(host to unit)
(unit to host)
Additional description
Information requests (continued)
View position
(frame count)
Show the position of the currently-loaded clip (or clip as
part of a playlist) in frame count.
View position
Show the position of the currently-loaded clip (or clip as
part of a playlist) as a timecode count.
View position
Show the position of the currently-loaded clip (or clip as
part of a playlist) as a percentage.
View speed GetStateExX#Speed}StateExX#”clip”X^]
Show the speed of the currently-loaded clip (or clip as
part of a playlist).
NOTE: You can use the “GetStateEx” command described above to request the status of multiple parameters by separating them with spaces (•s) as demonstrated below. Valid
parameters and the returned values are:
Parameter Value Parameter Value Parameter Value Parameter Value Parameter Value
Clip X!/X@ Playlist X$ Duration X4& Duration_timecode X* Loop X1#
Playstate X4^ Position X4& Position_timecode X* Position_percentage X4* Speed X^
View multiple
GetStateExX#{parameter1}{parameter2}• ... •{parametern}}
• •
• •
KEY: X# = Output 1 = channel 1 2 = channel 2 1,2 = both channels
X4& = Frame count Number of frames (total or current position)
X* = Frame count for view duration (timecode) command nn:nn:nn:nn (“hour”:”minute”:”second”:”frame”)
X4* = Percentage Current position in a playing clip expressed as a percentage
X^ = Play speed Speed at which to play video, where: 1.0 is normal speed, 2.0 is 2x normal speed, and so on
A positive value (+) is forward video (+ is assumed if no direction is specified)
A negative value (–) is reverse video
Fractional speeds are rounded up or down to the 3rd decimal place (0.000)
X! = Folder name Name of a DCP folder (such as “720p_422_60_donkey“)
X@ = Clip name Name of a clip file (such as “rafting_720p_5994.cpl.xml“)
X$ =Playlist name Name of a playlist file (such as “Canyon documentary.espl.xml”)
X1# = On/off (audio mute, loop, input trigger) 0 = off 1 = on
X4^ = Player state “playing“, “paused”, or “stopped”
X^ = Play speed Speed at which to play video, where: 1.0 is normal speed, 2.0 is 2x normal speed, and so on
A positive value (+) is forward video (+ is assumed if no direction is specified)
A negative value (–) is reverse video
Fractional speeds are rounded up or down to the 3rd decimal place (0.000)

JMP 9600 Media Player • Programming Guide 73