Command/response table for MSVPP commands (continued)
Command MSVPP Command
(host to unit)
(unit to host)
Additional description

Time of day

Set the date and time SetDateX3*X3(} OK]
Example SetDate10/15/201010:20:00}OK]
View the date and time GetDate}DateX3*X3(]

Device parameters

NOTE: If there are spaces (•) In the location or name identier (X4)) (such as Park Visitor’s Center, shown in the SetDeviceName command example 2, below), the entire name must
be enclosed in double quotation marks in the set command (such as “Park Visitor’s Center”). Quotes are not required for a single word identifer (such as Park).
The identifier is always in quotes in the GetDeviceName response.
Set the device location SetDeviceLocationX4)} OK]
Example 1: SetDeviceLocationTheater}OK]
Example 2: SetDeviceLocation”Theater1”}OK]
View the device
GetDeviceLocationX4)} DeviceLocationX4)]
Set the device name SetDeviceNameX4)} OK]
Example 1: SetDeviceNamePark}OK]
Example 2: SetDeviceName”Park Visitor’s Center”}
View the device name GetDeviceNameX4)} DeviceNameX4)]
View disk information GetDiskInfo}diskinfoX4!totalX4!free]Show the total capacity of the hard drives (X4!total)and
the amount of free space (X4!free). The returned values
are in 1024-byte blocks.


Reboot the media
Reboot}OK]Reboot the media player.
KEY: X3* = Date In the format: MM/DD/YYYY where: MM = month: 01 (Jan) through 12 (Dec)
DD = day: 01 through 31
YYYY = year: 1970 through 2037
X3( = Time In the format: HH:MM:SS where: HH = hour: 00 through 23
MM = minutes: 00 through 59
SS = seconds: 00 through 59
X4) = Identifier Location or name
X4! = Memory capacity or availablility In 1024-byte blocks

JMP 9600 Media Player • Programming Guide 71