Command/response table for MSVPP commands (continued)
Command MSVPP Command
(host to unit)
(unit to host)
Additional description
Media management (continued)
Append a clip to a
AddPlaylistX$X!/X@} OK]Add the clip file X@, in the folder X!, to playlist X$. The
file cited in the command is added as the last clip in
the playlist. If the playlist does not already exist, the
media player creates it automatically as it executes the
Example: AddPlaylistRiveractivities.espl.xml720p_422_60_rafting/rafting_720p_5994.cpl.xml}
OK]Add a clip on rafting to the end of a playlist on river
activities. Create the playlist “River activities.espl.xml” if
it does not exist.
List clips in a playlist ListPlaylistX$} PlaylistEntryX$X!/X@]
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List all of the clips in a playlist and the folders in which
the clips are saved.
Remove a clip from a
RemovePlaylistItemX$X%} Remove the clip at location X% from playlist X$.
Example: RemovePlaylistItemRiveractivities.espl.xml2}Delete the clip at location 2 from the River activities
List playlists ListAllPlayalists}PlaylistX$]
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Load a playlist LoadPlaylistX#X$} OK]Load a playlist to play. This command performs the
same function as the front panel load, see “Playlist
and Clip Files.“ The Play/Pause () button ashes.
If the X$ is not a value returned by the ListAllPlaylists
command, or if the media player is not correctly
configured for the clip that you select, the media player
responds with ERROR.
Example: LoadPlaylist1Riveractivities.espl.xml}Load the river activities playlist to play on channel 1.
KEY: X! = Folder name Name of a DCP folder (such as “720p_422_60_donkey“)
X@ = Clip name Name of a clip file (such as “rafting_720p_5994.cpl.xml“)
X# = Output 1 = channel 1 2 = channel 2 1,2 = both channels
X$ = Playlist name Name of a playlist file (such as “Canyon documentary.espl.xml”)
X% = Playlist position Sequential position of a clip in a playlist
JMP 9600 Media Player • Programming Guide 62