Command/response table for MSVPP commands (continued)
Command | MSVPP Command | Response | Additional description | |
| (host to unit) | (unit to host) |
Colorspace |
| |
NOTES: • | The player must be correctly configured for the colorspace that you select, or else the player responds with ERROR. |
| ||
• | You can configure the media player signal combinations that are not defined within the video payload identifier specification (SMPTE 352); for example single channel, dual | |||
| link | |||
| The video payload identifier is updated correctly when the next valid SMPTE 352 format is selected |
Set the colorspace | SetColorspace•X1%•X1^} | OK] |
Example: | SetColorspace•ch1.video.dac•RGB} | OK] |
View the colorspace | GetColorspace} | Colorspace•”X1%”•”X1^”] |
| Colorspace] |
Example 1: | GetColorspace} | Colorspace•”video.HDSDI”•”rgb”] |
| Colorspace•”ch1.video.dac”•”rgb”] |
| Colorspace•”ch2.video.dac”•”rgb”] |
| GetColorspace•ch2.video.dvi} | Colorspace] |
Example 2: | Colorspace•”ch2.video.dvi”•””] | |
| Colorspace] |
Set the channel 1 analog video to RGB.
This command can be with or without the channel output parameter (X1%).
If no X1% is specified, the player responds with the colorspace (X1^) for both analog outputs and the
No colorspace (X1^) Is assigned to the digital portion of the channel 2 DVI connector.
JMP 9600 Media Player • Programming Guide 66
Color wash
NOTES: • | The color wash command works even when the clip is paused. |
• | The color wash effect is not shown on the front panel video monitor of the media player. |
• | The color wash settings are lost when power is removed from the media player. |
Color wash | Colorwash•X#•X1&•X1&•X1&•X1*•X1(} | OK] | Immediately transition to any defined color. |
| The color values (X1&s) are entered in RGB order. |
| The alpha value (X1*) is the opacity of the color wash, |
| where a value of 255 = 100%. |
| For best results use a time value (X1() of 4 seconds or less. |
Example: | Colorwash•1•255•255•255•255•3.5} | OK] | Completely (100%) fade the channel 1 image to white |
| when the video clip ends. The fade takes 3.5 seconds. |
KEY: | X# = Output | 1 = channel 1 | 2 = channel 2 | 1,2 = both channels |
| |
| X1& = Color value | 000 (none) through 255 (maximum) |
| ||
| X1* | = Alpha blend | 000 through 255 |
| X1( = Time | 0.00 (seconds) though 255.0 |
| |
| X1% | = Video output | video.hdsdi = | chn.video.dac = channel n analog video | chn.video.dvi = channel n digital video | |
| X1^ = Colorspace | “rgb” or “yprpb•bt.709” |