Command/response table for MSVPP commands (continued)
Command | MSVPP Command | Response | Additional description |
| (host to unit) | (unit to host) |
Timecode commands |
| |
NOTES: • | Immediately after loading a clip, the playlist property times takes precedence. If you load a clip then send a tcplayat command, that command takes precedence. | ||
• | Timecode (X*) values associated with the tcplayat and tcstopat commands must be consistent with the frame rate of the currently selected clip and the timecode values | ||
| entered for a playlist must be consistent with the framerate of the clips included in that playlist. |
Set timecode mode to | TcGenerate•X*} | OK] |
generate |
Set timecode mode to | TcReceive} | OK] |
receive |
View timecode mode | GetTimecodeMode} | TimecodeMode•X1!] |
Set timecode receive | SetTimecodeMode•X1@} | OK] |
mode variable |
View timecode receive | GetTimecodeOpMode} | TimecodeOpMode•X1@] |
mode settings |
Get current timecode | GetTimecodeValue} | TimecodeValue•X*] |
reference |
Start timecode | TcStart•X#} | OK] |
Set “start at” time | TcPlayAt•X#•X*} | OK] |
Set “stop at” time | TcStopAt•X#•X*} | OK] |
Generate timecode as a master and issue the timecode X* as a jam sync.
Receive timecode as a slave and loop it out on the rear panel Lock Out connector.
Set the timecode receive mode to X1@.
Display the LTC time code value at the instant the media player receives the command.
Starts the timecode running (assumes that the media player is in timecode generate mode).
Set the timecode startat time.
Set the timecode stopat time. The display goes black after X1@.
JMP 9600 Media
Loop commands
Turn loop on | Loopon•X#} | OK] |
Turn loop off | Loopoff•X#} | OK] |
View loop mode | GetLoopMode} | LoopMode•X1#•X1#] |
The loaded presentation automatically restarts after it completes.
The loaded presentation runs to completion and stops. Loop status (X1#) is reported for channel 1 only if in
Player • Programming Guide 65
Video mode
NOTES: • See page 3 for detailed descriptions of the functions of the video modes.
• In
is set by loading a clip or playlist. The parameters of the last clip loaded take precedence.
Set | SetVideoMode•1_channel} |
| OK] |
Set | SetVideoMode•2_channel} |
| OK] |
Set | SetVideoMode•2_channel_locked} | OK] |
| |
mode |
View video mode | GetVideoMode} |
| VideoMode•X1$] |
| |
KEY: X# = Output |
| 1 = channel 1 | 2 = channel 2 | 1,2 = both channels | |
X* = Frame count for assorted timecode commands | nn:nn:nn:nn (“hour”:”minute”:”second”:”frame”) | ||||
X1! = Timecode mode | “timecodeGenerate“ or “timecodeReceive” | ||||
X1@ = Timecode receive mode setting | “chase“ or “trigger” |
| ||
X1# = On/off (audio mute, loop, input trigger) | 0 = off |
| 1 = on |
| |
X1$ = Video mode | “1_channel”, “2_channel”, or “2_channel_locked” |